Leatherman Rebar Silver

My car EDC!, the Leatherman Rebar (silver) has found its way in my car EDC bag, it has already helped me changing a bulb in the front headlight and has cut several packages for me.

Tools are only accessible after opening the pliers, which could be a bit annoying if you are looking for one-handed operation. However it is a very nice tool, I really enjoy using it, every tool locks in place and because of the design even if the knife closes on you it can not cut your fingers.

The wire cutters are replaceable and after taking a look at the user guide, I asume that they are made of 154CM steel. Both knives, serrated and plain, are made of 420HC steel.

Update 30/03/2018: I’ve been carrying it in my pocket for a few weeks now and I have to say that I found something weird, the ruler in centimeters is actually reversed, not really sure why.

  • Closed length: 10.16 cm
  • Functions: 17